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From Diagnosis to Recovery: Skin Cancer Awareness Lessons Learned

From Diagnosis to Recovery: Skin Cancer Awareness Lessons Learned

There is an argument about diet and how it affects the skin and cancer cell growth. Some say, “Diet doesn’t affect the skin at all, eat and drink whatever you want as we are here to assist, BCC is the least aggressive skin cancer to have.” Others say diet does affect the skin, therefore skin cancer cell growth. I agree 100% that diet does affect the skin, therefore it also will affect the growth of skin cancer cells that are predisposed. I have noticed when I eat an anti-inflammatory diet, meaning plant-based foods, I experience fewer occurrences. Lots of greens, nuts legumes, and fruit. Especially fruit high in antioxidants like berries, pomegranates, cherries, red grapes, gala apples, and melons. Vegetables like Broccoli, spinach, kale, potatoes, asparagus, beets, avocados, and squash all are high in antioxidants. Green tea, black tea, and plain tea are also high in antioxidants.

The point is, that antioxidants assist with fighting cancer-causing free radicals, therefore helping with the prevention of skin cancer cell accumulation. I find when I have too much caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, refined sugar, and processed foods, more skin cancer cells and BCC show up in the 6-month time frame than when not assimilating them. Now one could say “In knowing this, how can you eat or drink any of these things?” Well, stress does a lot of things in our bodies. One is, that it increases cortisol which increases inflammation in the body AND sugar. Our bodies use sugar to make for quicker reactive time and strength in muscles when in “flight or fight” so our bodies crave sugar. We also have the emotional piece as well. So, in a nutshell, moderation of ingesting these inflammatory-causing foods and increasing water intake makes for a balance in all ways. Emotional and physical. 

Water is the magical all-around potion for all systems in the body. Therefore, assists with the skin’s ability to be protected and less inflamed, helping with the prevention of skin cancer cell growth.