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Gramsci’s “Passive Revolution” as Applied to Latin America does not Serve to Demonstrate that Pink Tide leaders (Maduro, AMLO, Lula, etc.) are Sellouts

Gramsci’s “Passive Revolution” as Applied to Latin America does not Serve to Demonstrate that Pink Tide leaders (Maduro, AMLO, Lula, etc.) are Sellouts
Gramsci’s “Passive Revolution” as Applied to Latin America does not Serve to Demonstrate that Pink Tide leaders (Maduro, AMLO, Lula, etc.) are Sellouts

In spite of concessions to
business groups and retreats on other fronts, Pink Tide leaders from Lula to
Maduro are still progressive. Writers on the left who call Pink Tide leaders a sell-out
display a monochromatic vision of the world, a far cry from what Marx and
Engels had in mind.

The following is an article
of mine published in Monthly Review that attempts to refute the notion that
Gramsci’s concept of “passive revolution” is applicable to Latin America’s Pink
