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How To Create The Perfect Travel Checklist In 12 Easy Steps

How To Create The Perfect Travel Checklist In 12 Easy Steps

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Have you been daydreaming about where your next dream vacation will be? Or what wellness adventure lies ahead of you? While planning a trip and creating a travel checklist can seem stressful with daily to-dos, I find it quite rewarding as it helps build excitement and anticipation before your trip. Plus, I secretly love the process of planning a trip and finding ways to incorporate wellness into the planning process.

Related Post: How I found the Ultimate Adventure at Sea in Ibiza, Spain

Once you’re there, you get to see all your long hours of research and planning come to life. Think of those white dusty beaches along the coast of the Bahamas, trekking through deep green foliage somewhere in Peru, or taking a cross country road trip through the United States. Your windows are rolled down in your car, the sun’s out beaming gently, and Google Maps is directing you where to go. Or in my case, where not to go if you’re on the hunt for vegan food in Bulgaria— but that’s a different story.

(Don’t worry, Google Maps and I eventually worked it out. Together with my husband, we found warm, mouth watering vegan dishes in the center city of Sofia, Bulgaria.)

While we may not be able to travel now, we are able to dream about future trips and plan for exciting times ahead. How do you plan the perfect travel checklist with health and wellness in mind? What are things that you should pack or things that should be left at home?

Combining wellness with a travel checklist

One thing I’ve learned on my health and wellness journey is the art of bringing wellness to packing. At first, it sounded a little strange trying to tie wellness with packing and trip planning. However, the more I practiced it, the less stressful trips were on my mind and body.

Here are some packing travel hacks for the wellness-focused traveler to boost your health and wellness. Whether you’ve planned an adventure road trip or decided to explore the epic train travel in Europe this travel checklist is for you.

Related Post: What is Wellness Traveling? The Quickest Way to Understand

Travel Checklist Guide

Decide how much luggage you are taking

I photo of me smiling after I finished my packing with my travel checklist I photo of me smiling after I finished my packing with my travel checklist

One way to reduce travel stress is by deciding how much luggage you want to take at least two weeks before your trip. If flying, I recommend reading about your airlines luggage weight limit. The luggage weight limits do change occasionally, so always double check before you fly. It will let you know if you get a free 50 lb check-in bag, free hand luggage, or just a personal item with your ticket.

On the other hand, trains have a different luggage limit and allow passengers to carry more luggage. The best part is there’s no extra charge if you need to bring another bag, or two! (I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.) Again, check with your train company for exact guidelines. For road trips, just make sure you can see through your rear view mirror and you’re comfortable in your car.

Decide what type of experience you want and buy travel insurance asap

A photo of me in Cyprus exploring the teal blue oceanA photo of me in Cyprus exploring the teal blue ocean

While we can’t pack for everything, we can do our best to pack for what lies ahead. For example, if you know you want to experience an overseas adventure travel at your destination, make sure to include a travel checklist that has options for adventurous items such as: underwater protective phone case, outdoor sandals, sunblock, selfie stick, and more.

After you have an idea of what type of experience you want, buy travel insurance.

In my opinion, it’s better to buy travel insurance as soon as possible just in case you need to change your flight or an emergency happens. Based on the type of travel experience you’re wanting to have (i.e. bungee jumping, etc.) and what your packing (i.e. expensive camera, etc.) you can add in extra coverage for support these.

For those traveling long-term, Safetywing is a great option. Another option is Travel Insurance Master, which is great for short trips.

Side note: If you’re on the fence with buying travel insurance, I get it. It can be confusing and it’s another cost after an expensive trip. BUT, at the same time it’s the best way to safeguard your health and trip. And health is your number one asset. If you’ve got questions, I got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about travel insurance.

Add a copy of your driver’s license and passport to your travel checklist

A photo of a passport which is the number item on a travel checklist.A photo of a passport which is the number item on a travel checklist.
Photo by Nicole Geri on Unsplash

While traveling is a adventure filled with excitement and new experiences, you probably never want to feel those types of sensations about your personal documents. The best way to safeguard your personal documents, is to make copies. Make a copy of:

  • Passport
  • Driver license
  • Credit Card
  • Medical Insurance
  • Travel Insurance

Leave one copy of your documents at home with a loved one, and take the other copy with you during your travels.

Research your destination

A notepad, computer and pen for writing down a travel checklist sheet.A notepad, computer and pen for writing down a travel checklist sheet.
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Researching your destination will not only help when packing a suitcase, but it will give you more travel tips specific to your travel destination. It will help you select what outfits are appropriate to pack, give you insight into the culture you’re about to experience, and give you more ideas about what things to do in that particular city.

For example, if you’re planning a trip to Barcelona next year —here’s a list of 50 Things To Do & See in Barcelona, Spain to plan out your dream itinerary.

Start packing earlier to avoid pre-trip stress

A person stressed from planning a tripA person stressed from planning a trip
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Yes, it’s a thing! Have you ever been stressed out two days before a trip, running around last minute to buy more items for your suitcase? Or do clothes bombs explode your in room, with clothes covering every inch of your floor? Packing one outfit, then dumping out your suitcase to pack another, only to find yourself finishing up packing at 1 am the day of the of your departure. (I have to admit, but this used to be my normal packing strategy.)

Packing earlier could be your solution. Not only does it allow you to relax days before your trip to avoid stress (so does essential oils or a massage!), it also allows you to keep your normal routine intact. I’ve found using both of these healthy travel tips combats stress and allows for happier and healthy travels.

Related Post: The 6 Best Essential Oils Every Traveler Should Have

Pack extra clothes in your carry-on

A pair of extra clothes for carry-on luggageA pair of extra clothes for carry-on luggage
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

If you have a checked bag, this packing list tip is for you. Sometimes bags get lost, it happens. However, you can be one step ahead of this luggage mishap by packing a spare pair of clothes, and underwear in your carry on or backpack. I’d also recommend packing a couple TSA approved cosmetics in your carry on too. Some zero waste bathroom products that are easy to pack are: mouthwash tablets, body conditioner bars or soap, shampoo bars, and lotion bars.

Get packing cubes or bags to stay organized

I personally love these ones from Amazon! This travel checklist item makes it relatively easy to locate any item in your suitcase since all your clothes and gear now have a home. It also can help you avoid overpacking, since you know what gear and clothes to fit into each cube.

Put flip flops on your travel checklist

A pair of sandals on the beach, a travel checklist must.A pair of sandals on the beach, a travel checklist must.
Photo by Joan MM on Unsplash

This is probably the first thing I check off on my packing list for vacation. Flip flops, or sandals, are extremely versatile. For cold weather, they can double as slippers to keep your feet warm from the cold tile, or bath shoes for a getaway spa day. (I’m a slight germ a-phobe, so flip-flops for a day trip to a spa is a must.) On the other hand, in the hot weather they can be a excellent wardrobe choice for your summer attire, used for a pool day, and if you’re staying at a hostel, say hello to your new shower shoes.

Pack A LOT of healthy travel snacks

Several glass jars filled with nuts and fruit.Several glass jars filled with nuts and fruit.
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Aim to pack healthy travel food that’s high in fiber, protein, and fats. While I’m not a nutrition expert, I can say whenever I’ve used these healthy travel snack tips with my husband, everyone’s tummy and mood seems to be happy. Here’s some snack ideas to add to your travel checklist to help boost your well-being on the road:

  • Trail mix
  • Granola Bars
  • Fresh fruit
  • Hummus and carrots
  • A sandwich made with whole-grain bread, avocado, loads of veggies and a protein

Related Post: 4 Quick Steps to Understand a Plant-Based Diet

Pack your breakfast for the next two mornings in your carry-on

Pack-able breakfast items to take on your trip.Pack-able breakfast items to take on your trip.
Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash

Packing your breakfast can be a great way to wellness travel because it allows you to have some normalcy once you arrive to your travel destination. Choosing the right healthy travel food for your trip can boost your wellness and health by giving you the nutrients to refuel your body after a long flight or drive.

Put prebiotic foods on your travel checklist

Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash

Prebiotics are a type of high fiber that brings healthy nutrients to the gut bacteria. Some research suggest these nutrients in turn help improve your digestive system, boost your immune system and possibly enhance your metabolism. Prebiotics in food are readily found, and they can be a great addition to your healthy travel food list. Plus they can be found almost anywhere! Here is a good prebiotic food list to get you started:

  • Apples
  • Flaxseed
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Bananas
  • Oats

Don’t overpack

Remember, less is more.

Do you have a secret packing list hack for the wellness-focused traveler? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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