123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001

The Eyes Have It – LYDIA SARFATI

The Eyes Have It – LYDIA SARFATI

Louise O’Loughlin

“I am very grateful to Lydia for her dedication as she continues to educate both in skincare and business. I owe so much of my success and joy in my work to her. By training all my staff to be industry experts, I achieved across the board excellence in every service carried out in the salon.”

Louise O’Loughlin
Owner, Iguazu Beauty and Oncology Training International Educator, Ireland

Ingrid Coleiro

“The passion and dedication that Lydia transmits every time she is lecturing or demonstrating a treatment is contagious. She is the woman who encouraged me to keep up my standards, value myself more and to always keep my head up high in any circumstance.”

Ingrid Coleiro
Director, Makiba Essence, Malta

Grete Transtok

“What I really admire about Lydia is the continuous education on skincare. She is someone who really puts her whole heart into everything she delivers and I believe countless estheticians and spa owners have gained success thanks to her.”

Grete Transtok
Corporate Affairs, Marketing and Communications Specialist, Estonia

Dzigbordi Kwaku-Dosoo

“When it comes to building a successful business, we are told to learn from those who have navigated the path. Lydia Sarfati has lived, learned, and built a business from the groud up, created resounding sucess and sustainability. I am continually inspired and empowered by her story.”

Dzigbordi Kwaku-Dosoo
Founder & CEO of Dzigbordi Consulting Group